Category Archives: Relationships

Not-Into-Intercourse: How can my partner and I be intimate with each other without having sex / what are different forms of outercourse?

Dear Sexpert,

I love my partner very much, but I am not sure that I am ready to have sex with my partner yet. Are there ways to be intimate without having sex?


Continue reading Not-Into-Intercourse: How can my partner and I be intimate with each other without having sex / what are different forms of outercourse?

Friends or More: Is the intimacy you have with a friend different than the intimacy you have with a romantic partner?

Dear Sexpert,

I wonder if you think that the emotional intimacy that you have with a friend versus a romantic partner is substantively different?

–Friends or More?

Continue reading Friends or More: Is the intimacy you have with a friend different than the intimacy you have with a romantic partner?

Unhappy Receiver: What do I do if I am receiving inappropriate, sexual messages from a classmate?

Dear Sexpert,

cell phoneOne of my classmates keeps on sending me inappropriate, sexual text messages that I don’t feel comfortable about. What should I do? I am worried that things would be really awkward between us if I confront them.  

–Unhappy Receiver

Continue reading Unhappy Receiver: What do I do if I am receiving inappropriate, sexual messages from a classmate?

Too Much?: Is having sex 3-4 times per day going overboard?

Dear Sexpert,

Is there such a thing as too much sex? My boyfriend and I are in a long distance relationship so every time we see each other, we have sex about 3 to 4 times per day. Sometimes my vagina feels sore afterwards and penetration becomes painful. With Winter Break coming up, I don’t know whether to be worried or not or how to bring this up with my boyfriend. Please help!

–Too Much or Just Overreacting?

Continue reading Too Much?: Is having sex 3-4 times per day going overboard?

The Real Girl: What if my boyfriend watches too much porn?

Dear Sexpert,

My boyfriend watches a lot of porn. A lot of porn. He watches porn every night before he falls asleep, even the nights that we have sex; he often wants to watch it to get in the mood before we have sex. It makes me uncomfortable and I have tried to talk to him about it, but he says I’m being controlling and just don’t understand. But I don’t feel like I can be sexually or emotionally intimate with someone who would rather watch porn than be with me.


Continue reading The Real Girl: What if my boyfriend watches too much porn?

Uncertain Sexter: Is it safe to send my partner nude pictures?

Dear Sexpert,

I started a relationship a few weeks ago and I am having a lot of fun with my partner. They’ve been asking me to send “sexy” pictures of myself and I have sent a few. But after reading some articles about sexting, I am not too sure how I feel. Should I be worried? I don’t know how to bring it up since my relationship is pretty new.

—Uncertain Sexter

Continue reading Uncertain Sexter: Is it safe to send my partner nude pictures?

Expanding My Horizons: How do I tell my partner I’m ready for oral sex?

Two heads facing away from each other with question marks followed by two heads facing each other with heartsDear Sexpert,

My relationship with my partner has become pretty serious and we’re ready to be more intimate with each other. While I’m interested in experimenting with oral sex, I’m still not ready to do more than that. How do I explain this to my partner without offending them?

Expanding My Horizons

Continue reading Expanding My Horizons: How do I tell my partner I’m ready for oral sex?

Dorm-less for the Night: What should I do if I’m being sexiled?

Dear Sexpert,

From what I hear, things are beginning to get hot and heavy between my roommate and his partner.  I wouldn’t be surprised if my room was their final destination after a night out this weekend.  I’ve never had a roommate before, so what should I do if my roommate wants to have sex in our room?  Where should I go?

–Dorm-less for the night

Continue reading Dorm-less for the Night: What should I do if I’m being sexiled?

Digitally Apprehensive: Does online dating work?

Dear Sexpert~

My love life has been pretty slow for a while and I haven’t had much luck meeting people in person. I’ve thought about trying online dating, but I’m too embarrassed to actually go through with it. I’m also worried about safety and being catfished. Do you think it’s still worth a shot?

–Digitally Apprehensive

Continue reading Digitally Apprehensive: Does online dating work?

Confused Club Member: This my first time having casual sex–what should I do?

Dear Sexpert,

I just joined an eating club, and I’m already excited about all the new friends I’m making! I’ve also started hooking up with someone I recently met in the club. Our relationship is pretty casual, and for the most part, physical. In fact, when we’re eating dinner in a group or hanging around the club during the day, I feel like I’m barely acknowledged. We are both enjoying the physical side of our relationship, but I also feel confused about having casual sex. What should I do?

–Confused Club Member

  Continue reading Confused Club Member: This my first time having casual sex–what should I do?

Looking for Someone: What’s the best way to use apps like Tinder and Grindr?

Dear Sexpert,

There are a lot of preconceived notions about Tinder and Grindr, and similar “matchmaking” apps. With all the hype surrounding Tinder and Grindr, I’m interested in trying them out. I think I know how these apps all work, but have concerns about their impact on my sexual wellness. Do you have any tips before diving in?  

–Looking For Someone

Continue reading Looking for Someone: What’s the best way to use apps like Tinder and Grindr?

Silent Sam: How do I tell my partner that I have an STI?

Dear Sexpert,

I just started hooking up with this girl I have been interested in for a while, which is great! The bad news is that I just got some results from an STI test I got just before this all happened and it looks like I might have a minor STI. I need to tell her because we didn’t use protection the last time we got together, but I don’t know how! I like this girl, and I don’t want to screw things up right off the bat with this. What do I do?

–Silent Sam

Continue reading Silent Sam: How do I tell my partner that I have an STI?